These past few weeks have been very busy, but lots of fun (and stress, etc). My mom came to visit last weekend, which was absolutely wonderful. We had tea, explored the Victoria & Albert Museum, went to Harrods, adventured along Portobello Road, had sleepovers in her hotel, and just played a lot. It was so good to see her (thanks for coming, ML!), and it would have been terrible if I hadn't gotten to see her until March.
This coming week we have a showcase on Monday (movement, historical dance--eek, and stage combat). I love all of these classes, but will be SO glad to get these presentations over with. For my movement piece, I am a giraffe, human, part of a snail, a nervous lion, and a bird (not to mention a fire and a couple of narrators). Gracious me. (Then, on Monday night, I have dinner with Luanna! Hurray!) On Tuesday we get to listen to each individual instructor tell us what they think of us (gulp), on Wednesday I have my character object exercise (which is tedious to explain, but trust me-- it's stressful), on Thursday... what happens on Thursday? Hmm. Maybe Thursday won't be so bad. And then on Friday, we have our Shakespeare presentations. Oh yes. This week will be wild.
Next Friday is the last day of school, and then Ellyn is coming to London for the night before we head off to PARIS on Saturday, to meet my dad. Then, Dad and I are spending a month travelling through France, Denmark, Italy, and then France again. I then take a train back to London on the 15th of January and fly out the next morning. Gasp. Exhausting.
Yesterday, Kari, Dana and I went on the London Eye. What a beautiful city! It was fun to see London from above, and find all the places we know and love. (The rhyme there was not intentional, but wasn't it fun?) After floating around in our "capsule" for a while (with me feeling the entire time like I was going to fall out and land in the river), we went off and got delicious Thai food for lunch. It certainly felt like a special day.
When we got home, we settled ourselves in Flat 4 (Kari's flat), and made beeswax candles with a kit that Dana's mom had sent her. We ate sugar cookies fresh from the oven and felt at peace with the world. (Notice how we carefully ignored all of the work that was ahead of us for the next week.) Every time someone new walked into the flat (and this happened a lot), they would sigh, and smile at us. "Aww..." they would say, "This is so nice..."
After that we all went in our separate directions, and I headed home to work on my Character Object Exercise. I have decided that Hilary (my character) is independant, capable, and loving (among other things), and I have to show these to an audience on Wednesday. So, for props, I need a number of things. I have to make her home, and then show her in her home. Ok. So I went to Primark today (Sunday) and spent over £20 on clothes that would fit my character's son, Heathcliffe. (Yes, she named her son "Heathcliffe." Yes, it was after the Kate Bush song.) I now have 1 pair of jeans, 2 t-shirts, 1 sweatshirt, 6 pairs of socks (that's how they came-- not my fault I have that many), and 2 undershirts that would fit a child I don't have.
Interesting. So that was fun.
And now I am going to head to listen to a choir sing at St. Paul's before working on stage combat and then movement stuff.
Wish me luck for this week!
And now, Luna...
And now, Luna...
Here I am on Drury Lane. Have you ever heard of that before? I bet you have! "Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man? Do you know the muffin man, who lives on Drury Lane?"
I know I put a picture of me in a double decker bus up here earlier, but I thought I would also show you a picture of me on the top of a double decker bus, LOOKING at another double decker bus. I felt very tall!
The Eye of London is not an eye at all, but is rather a giant ferris wheel. I went on it yesterday (Saturday) with Litza, Kari, and Dana. It was kind of scary being up so high, but I could see the entire city!
Well, I think this will be the last batch of pictures you'll get for now. But I'll be sure to show you more in the future!
Love, Luna
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